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LeT's CReaTE
SometHing TogetHer

TEll Me AbOut YoUrSelF

The first step in a creative collaboration is getting to know each other.

Fill out a quick project brief to share more about your project

PiCK YouR PaCKagE:
IT's as easY aS  1,  2,  3...

1 Once you submit your project brief we will schedule an introductory meeting to review project details and discuss the
    vision and scope of your project.

2 .  After our first meeting I will develop a quote based on the specific details and needs of your project.

3 Then the creation happens! All hands on deck and full steam ahead, we begin the process of boiling your project into it's
   visual essence.

Each project deliverable is entitled to three (3) rounds of design revisions. Additional revisions are subject to additional charges

Thanks for submitting!

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